Saturday, August 18, 2012

Camping in the Adirondacks

When I was 9, I set off to camp at Sky Lake for a week and I loved it! I went until I was a junior in high school. This past week, Jake was at his first full week of camp (day camp) in the Adirondacks, it was about an hour away. I wasn't the least bit nervous about it, I was so excited for him, I knew he would love it...and he did! He got to spend an entire week with some friends he knew and make new friends. He hiked, swam, boated, sang, played sports and games, had yummy lunches and snacks, became a "flying squirrel", tried obstacle courses, and much more! He couldn't talk enough about it and was sad it was over on Friday. However, I think he was just about pooped out, hence the last picture! What a great experience, he can't wait to go again next year!

Breakfast at Tiffany's....ummm...OK, Tin Pan!

Last weekend Lee and I had a breakfast date at one of our favorite places in Sackets, Tin Pan Galley. We decided it would be our 11th Anniversary breakfast since he is leaving in a week and will miss it. He has only missed our first, second, fourth, sixth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh, but who's counting! It just goes to show that it doesn't really matter if you are together on the actual date, it just matters what is in your hearts, we have been through a lot and we keep on going! It was a wonderful day, minus the camper hitting our car, but we had a great time!

10 Years and Counting

Last week we surprised our dearest friends with a Happy 10th Anniversary celebration at their own Shrimp Boil! When they decided to plan their shrimp boil the day after their anniversary it gave us the perfect opportunity to be "cheesy", and we knew how much Jen loves cheese! We had a replica of the wedding cake made (it was delish), wore blue dresses just like they had in their wedding party 10 years ago, Roland got some beer as a gift, Jen got flowers and a funny veil to wear, and we had a blast! It was fun to celebrate with them! All of our friends are hitting the 10 year mark and I think it truly says something about the kind of friends we have and the love we all share for our families! Pretty cool!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fun, Food and Fantasy!

I think that is how the jingle goes for Knoebles! Last week Jen and I trekked home to PA to take the kids to Knoebles Amusement Park. It seems so crazy to drive all that way but free parking, free admission, super cheap food, and rides for all our kids to enjoy, you just can't beat it! I hope as long as we are here we can do it every year! This year all the "Smith" girls went, and our cousin Abigail, so with all the extra hands the day went very smooth, I think the kids got in a total of 26 rides! We can't wait to go again!


There is never a shortage of help in my kitchen. Whether it is Jacob or Lindsey, one of them is always willing to help, especially when I make something sweet! Last week Lindsey was all about helping with the brownies! Of course I let her lick the spoon, isn't that what we all want to do!
