Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Big Guy

I was super lucky and got out of work just in time to run over and surprise Jacob after school! He was so excited to see me and ran into my arms! I love that he isn't too grown up yet to give me hugs and kisses! I had to run back to the hospital after I picked him up so he got a special treat, a slushy in the cafe! Plus, he loves seeing where I work! Maybe medicine will be in his future! haha


The North Country Sweets said...

What!? Huh? Who is this big kid??? Jacob, you've aged 5 years overnight!!!!

Lee said...

WOW the places you will go in life Jake.. Awesome to watch you and your sister grow over the years.

Lee said...

Where did my little boy go???? Jakes face looks so much older... I want JACOB back.... LOVE you buddy
