Sunday, January 8, 2012

Holidays in PA

For Christmas this year we set off on Friday for PA to the Smith house! Christmas Eve was a bit different this year as we had it at my mom's house. Nana was a busy lady cooking in the kitchen with her helpers--all the aunties! I was chasing Lindsey of course and playing with the boys outside. I still can't believe it was warm enough to play wiffle ball on Christmas Eve! We wrapped up the night with "Twas the Night Before Christmas" read by Papa and throwing the reindeer food out Nana's window! Then the kids were fast asleep! (you can tell I haven't blogged in a while since my pictures are in backwards order!) whoops


The North Country Sweets said...

Okay, I'm going to comment once...HOLY FREAKIN' CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!!!!! That was crazy!!! And I love the dresses you got for Linds! Soooo adorable!!! Lindsey, you are truely a fashion plate! it looks like soooo much fun! Can't wait to see that one of lindsey peeeking through! Jacob has the same pjs that bennett got!!! I love the holidays! seems like everyone just loves going crazy with food and presents once a year!!! LOL

JCharlton said...

Great pic with Aunt Laurie, such a framer!
