Sunday, June 17, 2012

Our First Field Trip

I am blessed, there is no doubt about it. Recently, I had the chance to go on Jacob's first field trip. I guess, it was technically his second (the first one he walked to the Dairy festival) but this was the "real" field trip. It is definitely something I want to do every year and never want to miss out on! We had the opportunity to bus to Alexandria Bay to the Nature Center. The kids broke up into groups by class and each had a chance to do a scavenger hunt, a nature walk looking for hidden gems, the local Zoo came to show 5 animals, a boat ride to look for blue Herons and other animals the kids were learning about in school, a second nature hike and a picnic lunch. It was a fantastic day with Jacob and his friends, I can't wait till next year!

1 comment:

JCharlton said...

What fun! What a great trip!
