Monday, June 6, 2011

A Night in the City

We headed to dinner at a French Restaurant and if you have ever eaten in NYC you know that 6pm is very early! That worked for us because it wasn't crowded at all but the food was Amazing! After dinner we walked to see the site of the WTC towers, Lee had never seen it. Finally he saw what he has been fighting for! It always is a bit shocking and sad. Jacob asked what we were looking at while we were there. We told him an edited brief version and he said, "I am glad Daddy is getting those bad guys." Someday we will tell him the whole story.
After that we headed back to Brooklyn where we had dessert. We decided at first on cupcakes but then decided to get them to take home. We opted for ice cream again instead and sat outside and ate it! It was the end to a perfect day!


JCharlton said...

Yay for NYC! Oh how I love that city!

Aunt Beck said...

It really was a perfect day. And to all the naysayers who scoffed at my French restaurant selection I have just one thing to say: my 5-year-old nephew now speaks 3 languages: English, French and Russian, thanks to our nice waitress. ;)

The North Country Sweets said...

What a great trip~!
