Monday, March 21, 2011

My Little Mommy

While Lindsey loves playing with Jacob and his trucks, hockey sticks, etc. etc., she loves playing with her baby too! She takes her for walks, tries to dress her, feed her, etc. It is soo cute!


Laurie said...

I love when little girls take care of their dolls like that! Like Jen V posted a while ago, it's so amazing to see them be nurturing at such a young age. Loving little mommies in the making!

Aunt Beck said...

I was wondering if she still played with her baby doll, given her fascination for all things her big brother likes to play with. What can we say, she's one well-rounded chick. One look at that bum tells you that -- I just want to squeeze her!!!

The North Country Sweets said...

Look at that little momma! She learned all of that from YOU...a great mom! AJ on the other hand was tending to her "puking" child today...goodness...she'll have to come over and go for a walk with the strollers!
