Sunday, January 9, 2011

Looking On

I need to look forward, beyond January and germs, as to what this year has in store for us! I am soo stinkin' excited for so many things to come! Obviously the BEST thing will be in March--Lee coming home! I am counting the weeks! And all the wonderful memories we will make and share when he is here! Plus....
Jacob's 5th Birthday
Easter, visiting family
NYC trip
Fort Drum Girls Weekend
Camping with Friends
The Beach
1st Day of Kindgergarten
Our 10th Anniversary! (yes, I said 10)
Lindsey's 2nd Birthday
etc etc etc etc
Time with friends and family is what we are looking forward to the most!


JCharlton said...

HERE HERE! To many wonderful milestones and memories!

The North Country Sweets said...

So much!!!

Jen V said...

I can't believe our kiddos are turning 5 this year! They are too young!
Looking forward to another wonderful year with you guys in our lives.

JCharlton said...

NYC weekend! I can't wait!
