Monday, January 31, 2011

Jacob's Day at the Beach

This week is Catholic School's Week and leave it to Jacob's awesome teachers to celebrate to the fullest! Today the kids had a beach party! They had a special room that was decorated like the beach just for them with water balloons, sand tables, beach balls, hotdogs and chips, and stories about fish! They kids all dressed in their beach attire (minus the bathing suits since it was below 0 today) and had an absolute blast!


The North Country Sweets said...

This is sooooo super cool! I could use a beach day myself!

JCharlton said...

Those teachers are so creative I just love them...ha ha! I can't wait to get home and hear all about his beach activities!

Laurie said...

How awesome is that?! What a fun thing for the kids to creative! And I love the picture of him...jeez, is he a character!
