Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dreary Days

Lately, even 10 minutes of the sun shining is amazing! Today when we got home it wasn't raining and the kids ran out in the yard! I let them play a few minutes just until their feet were completely soaked! I can't wait to not put their raincoats on them!
a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi-6xn8E4fsMbFikWyRHvJAKpdytphTXn_YUzDrwTY1gHiNnA-K8dBShcAmIRkpsLP2ZKXjlx8dokfu6PJrL5RwLHeJ4dFpDsxAz1eieCIbcMV_nJGPbHNPqCpURG7TW5b581uqeTYCcYxB/s1600/DSC05086.JPG">


Laurie said...

I love their raincoats...esp. missy's little polka dot one! Adorable!

The North Country Sweets said...

Such cute coats! The twinsies were running around outside too!
