Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Where did it go?

Where did the last week and a half go? I am not sure, somewhere between enjoying the outdoors, festivals, parties, and lack of sleep the last week and a half flew by. I guess it is a good thing, only 4 weeks till Lee comes home!! Lindsey is still fighting a horrible ear infection, I think tubes are in her near future.
We have done so many fun things this fall and there is still more to come! The Black River Fall Festival, the Cream Cheese Festival, Cider Mill (at least 2x a week), playing outside on these great warm fall nights, and finding fun things to do inside on those rainy fall days. I am really enjoying September.
Last Sunday, I had a chance to see all our good Watertown friends at Sophia's 7th birthday. Here are some pictures I took.

1 comment:

JCharlton said...

You took great pics at the party!
