My sister always tells me I am a slave driver. But on nights like this, I think sometimes it pays off. I don't slave drive my kids, but I want them to know if they live in this house they can take part in the chores. Especially with Lee gone, it is a huge help to me when Jacob pitches in. Tonight he was really scoring points with me. He didn't have a nap yesterday because of the party and was a bit mouthy last night. Fortunately, today was an awesome day. He was such a good boy today! After having a good play date, he took a nap and woke up ready to go back outside. I know it is hard for him to understand that I have Lindsey to take care of too and can't just drop everything to play with him. So we stayed in, I gave Lindsey a bottle and made dinner. I told him that if we eat early, we can go back outside. He ate a great dinner and afterwards said, "Mom, I really want to help clean-up." What mother doesn't love to hear that!! He cleared the entire table while I started to load the dishwasher. Then we went for a walk and after I put Lindsey to bed while he ate an ice cream sundae (a special treat for all his hard work). After Lindsey was asleep, Jacob and I went for a walk, picked up trash and sticks and then played soccer. We finished the night with a new game of UNO and then bed. What a great day! He said to me, "I had a good time with you mom." He makes me cry...I love him so much!
To top off being a slave driver...Lindsey is now starting to hold her own bottles. I do give her a bottle most of the time, but if is around the same time she is in her highchair, I lean back her seat and let her hold her bottle! She is holding it really well, sometimes she drops it, but honestly, does great! My other savior right now is Baby Einstein. It is like a drug to her. If I have to make dinner and she is fussy, I slip in a DVD and she is in the zone! She is really a great baby--thank God! So yes, I may be a slave driver at times, but I also reward my kids and cherish all their help!
You are one of the best moms I know!
Thanks Jen--that means a lot to me--coming from another super Mom!
Hi-Yah! (that is the sound of the whip!) hahahha...what a good buy! how's movie night going?
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