Thursday, May 6, 2010

It has been a week since my last blog...let's review...

It has been a week since I lasted posted anything because I was away this past weekend. The kids and I headed to PA this past Friday for our cousin Abigail's First Holy Communion. Teh weekend began on Saturday morning. Aunt Laurie took Jacob to do the Mother's Day project at Home Depot--I can't wait to see it! Then we all went to the annual Cherry Blossom Parade. Jacob loves parade and the weather was warm enough for Lindsey to see her first parade. She is so nosey and loves to look around at everything! It was actually a bit hot but always fun! Enjoy the pictures!


Laurie said...

I had so much fun with you guys last weekend...counting the seconds til I see you all again next week!

JCharlton said...

First parade of the season....YAHOOO!
